Chiropractic care

Our office will provide you with the highest quality Chiropractic care in a safe, supportive environment. Our care focuses on the Nervous System, building Mind-Body strategies to integrate stress/tension. As such, we start every adjustment off with the breath.

“Breath is the messenger of Life!”

The adjustment starts with lighter touch and builds from there. We coach our clients through gentle, energetic releases at first, then move into stretching, unwinding, and decompressing the soft, connective tissue. In this way, we use a “tensegrity-based” approach in which the whole body is intimately interconnected. The nerves, ligaments, muscles, bone joints, and other tissues are all in constant communication with one another. We cannot touch one part without affecting the whole!

The Shine docs, emphasize healing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. As such, they seek to facilitate the release of stored, unintegrated energy/tension from the Nervous System. This energy, can then be used for healing, tissue regeneration, and proper physiologic balance and function.

Specifically, the Shine Doctors start Chiropractic adjustments through a “Bio-Geometric Integration” lens. This approach uses the sacred geometry, inherent to the human anatomy, as the blueprint for tonal/frequency healing. As the adjustment progresses, our Doctors provide specific, structural input to the spine from the “Mastery Love Service” approach. This is an application of forces that emphasizes “peace & ease” in the Neuro-Spinal system. Coupled together, these approaches are paired with a variety of Chiropractic techniques such as Webster, Activator, Diversified, Network, Thompson, and Logan.

Simply put, we are really good at listening to the human body. In order to facilitate adjustments in this way, our adult appointments are 20 minutes long in order to ensure full integration of the inputs. Each adjustment may be totally different. It simply depends on what the body is asking for. This is done in an honoring approach. Our adjusting art is constantly evolving as we add more tools to our practice to provide you with the highest quality of Chiropractic care!


Pregnancy & Webster Technique