Instrument adjusting

We are not attached to the noise! Our care is neurologically focused and seeks to provide inputs that the body can actually receive. These inputs are used to create peace, ease and balance within the Nervous System. As such, we have a variety of tools & techniques to provide a more conservative style of care for those who are interested.

Network Care: A light touch technique that utilizes inputs specific to regions of the spinal cord that have “dural attachments” to the spine. A little scoop of the thumb is all it takes to watch the cord tension unwind in kiddos with sensitive Nervous Systems.

Activator care: Utilizes the high-velocity, low-force Activator tool to “bypass the soft tissue” and provide a direct, brain-stimulating impulse directly to the joint.

Arthrostim care: Utilizes the Arthrostim tool to reset muscle spindles, mobilize joints and provide “postural input” to the Nervous System. Our team is trained in Chiropractic Bio-Physics protocol to provide corrective adjustments for those with increased or decreased curvature in the spine (scoliosis, hyperkyphosis, etc.)


Pediatric Care


Healthy Habits Coaching